We are Manufacturers quality rope products to our clients in all types of industries including marine, fisheries, transport, shipping and various other applications. Our persistent commitment to quality, and understanding of customer needs have propelled our growth to a leading supplier of ropes. We offer a wide range of 3 and 4-strand ropes as well as 8-strand ropes. The HDPE ropes are durable and are light weight and very flexible with least water absorption.

They have maximum elongation features and are available in various colours & sizes.The width ranges from 3mm – 32mm and various lengths.

TIMEWIN Manufacture Baler Twine is produced from 100% virgin polypropylene. It is available in different colors. It is twisted from micro-profilled tape. Each spool of the twine is shrinked with polyolefins film, which gives security against tangling. Polypropylene Baler Twine is used in agriculture, industries and in fishing. It is long lasting and anti corrosion. It is the best alternate of steel wire.